SOULCOOM™ 0.5.11


A new update is available.

+ Sex Positioning UI Shortcuts (Bottom Right)
+ Male Facial Hair (Editable from Features UI shortcut, Top Right)

+ Male Audio Item : Allan Sub
+ Male Audio Item : Allan Dom
+ Male Audio Item : Adakam Sub (Spanish-English mix)
+ Male Audio Item : Adakam Dom (Spanish-English mix)
+ Echo Location : Equipping Audio items in the Inventory previews the Voice
+ Echo Location : In-game, when a Sub Voice enters playback, there is a chance that the Dom will Reply and enter a back-and-forth.


This week, we're excited to share that we've introduced numerous new voice lines contributed by a colleague with an exceptionally velvety male voice for both Sub and Dom models. More voice lines are currently in production, making this the month of male voices! Additionally, we've incorporated 'midnight shadow' to the male model based on their Testosterone level. You can modify the stubble's visibility using the Features/Make-Up UI shortcut. We've also enhanced each sex position and added convenient shortcuts to the bottom right of the screen for easier access to these features.

After working on this daily for over a year, we will be taking a 2 week intermission from updates at this time. We will be releasing one more silent update tonight for an elusive physics bug that was causing the intersex sexes to go flying, we just solved that an hour ago. We are looking forward to seeing you again when we return with more male voices.

On our break, I will be stepping away from the public updates but I will continue working on our emerging story dialogue battle system and more; which was broken into 6 Arcs, ~90,000 word scripts each. Here is a rough preview from my notes about the 1st Arc:

Magic medieval camp on a floating Island carnival/farm.

As a (Miniature) Fairy within a Lusty Fairy Tribe or a farmhand working as an assistant at a Fairy school with your Mentor, your journey begins when your genitalia disappears. Simultaneously, a Lust Madness outbreak starts spreading within your Tribe, reminiscent of themes from 'Bondage Faeries' and 'Bible Black'.

Main Quest:
The storyline revolves around a group of blood-worshipping fairies who sacrifice virgins to their God "Thurst" to resolve a crisis. Players decide the fate of the Virgin sacrifice ritual—will they sacrifice to 'Thurst' or to a more opposing God named 'Streets'? The gameplay involves experimenting with Testosterone/Estrogen to either cure or spread the madness. Players will meet their first companions, upgrade their new hideout, and engage in our unique battle mechanic system combining emotional expressions and dialogue.

Home base is wooden, magical fairy hut, Western slabs of wood and iron.

New Party members:

(Name) Lusty scientist fairy girl
(Name) Sex Slave religious zealot
(Name) Wise Crone Sage

If you have been following us for a while, the foundation of this was laid about 3 years ago:

Exciting times ahead.

For a more detailed update please visit our Patreon:

Thanks for the visit,

Files 33 MB
Version 0.5.11 Nov 08, 2023 30 MB
Version 0.5.11 Nov 08, 2023
SOULCOOM_android.apk 696 MB
Version 0.5.11 Nov 08, 2023 40 MB
Version 0.5.11 Nov 08, 2023

Get SOULCOOM™ : Developer Edition

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